Responsible Production

We have a huge commitment to ensuring the future of the next generations.
That is why we seek to ensure that all our products come from regulated, monitored and sustainable sources.

We work in partnership with organizations such as MSC and ASC to ensure respect for life and marine ecosystems! We scrupulously comply with the legal requirements of fishing and aquaculture in force and all guidelines such as FAO, making sure that we ensure a sustainable exploitation of fish resources. We fight against illegal fishing in order to preserve the integrity and biodiversity of the oceans.

Do you know the MSC seal?

The "blue seal" is only used on wild fish and seafood from fisheries certified according to the MSC standards "Wild, traceable, sustainable". Each MSC certified fishery has been independently assessed for its impact on wild fish populations and ecosystems.
Find out more at: 👇

What is the ASC?

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is an independent, non-profit, international organization that manages a Certification and Labeling Program for Responsible Aquaculture. Our primary role is to manage the global standards for responsible aquaculture, which were developed by WWF.
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council standards help companies and organizations promote and identify farmed fish that have been produced responsibly.Find out more at:
Find out more at: 👇

Check where our fish comes from :)

Fish From Portugal


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