
We have a clear vision of the social climatic and socio-cultural challenges that will accompany future generations.
We have been pioneers in the implementation of some certifications in the frozen food industry.
We care about nourishing all cultures, certifying our products according to the dietary restrictions of the most diverse cultures and regions.

The 5 principles
that sustain us

We have defined five principles that underpin the way we do business every day.
We have over 200 employees, we are present all over the world, so using a moral compass to guide us is essential!
This is how we came up with the 5 principles that have guided us for over 30 years and are at the core of our entire business base.


We have a huge commitment to everyone who helps us grow; we embrace responsibility not only to our customers, suppliers, employees, but also to the local communities that have seen us grow.

We embrace all cultures, religions or ages, and everyone who operates for Reymar abides by our code of conduct.

Our corporate responsibility assumes that above all people we are all human, even with all the differences that we respect.

We also have a huge commitment not only to our large-scale suppliers, but also to the small local providers, which we are very proud to see growing.


A shared act endures over time.

One of the main foundations of our business structure is trust, knowing how to row side by side with all those who are present on our route.

Reymar believes in the strength of relationships, whether with consumers, clients, suppliers or employees.

At the center of reciprocity is the bond of trust, respect, and honesty, which we share with all those who cross our path.


We excel in the quality of our products, from the origin to the processing, without forgetting the quality of work of all the sailors that operate the big ship that is Reymar.


We give innovation a chance, so we are always at the forefront of new manufacturing techniques and sustainability.

We attend fairs, attend lectures, make partnerships, and are attentive to everything that optimizes and reduces the expenses and resources we use.


We say no to waste!

At Reymar we are supporters of the circular economy and Lean philosophy, we optimize all our resources in an efficient and sustainable way.

We see opportunity for improvement in the simplest operations and question the value of all raw materials, even fish bones or skin :) 

Don't forget and visit our sustainability page:

Reymar positions itself with the new generations, more concerned with the environment, with our choices, evolving in an eco-sustainable way and concerned with natural resources.
We implement all the measures and certifications that allow us to show with transparency our vision of a better future.

Save the Planter Reymar, Reymar Sustainability

Meet some of our
partners & friends

Photovoltaic Panels, Reymar Sustainability, Sustainable Portugal
Used oil collection, sustainability, Planet safety, new generations
Soguima, Reymar Sponsors
Reymar Friends
Fish From Portugal


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