Our mission

We join hands with our eyes on the Future!

Reymar positions itself with the new generations, more concerned about the environment, with our choices, evolving in an eco-sustainable way and concerned with natural resources.
We collaborate with organizations that allow us to guarantee sustainable fishing, protecting ecosystems. 

We follow the circular economy model and say no to waste! We implement all measures and certifications that allow us to show with transparency
our vision of a better future.

We take care of the water!

At Reymar we use and treat water from our own catchment, so that we can guarantee our strict quality standards. In addition, we work together with an external company for the treatment and valorization of the company's wastewater. 
Reymar, world water day, save water, save the oceans, Reymar, water sustainability, we care for water
Reymar Bio Packaging, Reymar Sustainable Packaging

We fight plastic waste!

We are committed to changing our packaging to more sustainable materials as an alternative to traditional plastic methods.

In order to reduce our environmental footprint, we have the goal of having 100% of our packaging environmentally friendly by 2025!
We actively seek new materials, establish partnerships with universities and research institutes, visit trade shows and are in direct contact with our suppliers to reduce the amount of plastic waste.

We are attentive to the new energies!

We are in an energy transition to renewable and environmentally friendly sources in our plants.

We are installing more than 1850 photovoltaic modules, but we don't want to stop there! We are working to introduce new hybrid methodologies for energy recovery and regeneration, and we aim to have a negative CO2 mass balance.
In addition to this step, we are also replacing our car fleet with electric vehicles. 
Renewable Energy, Reymar Photovoltaic Panels, Reymar Sustainability

You can see also...

Fish From Portugal


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